Global Deformation System

A deformation detection system scaled to monitor all your geotechnical assets globally
The world's first global deformation monitoring system

The Descartes Labs platform helps mining and metals companies mitigate ground stability risks with and weather-independent InSAR models and methodologies that implement the latest deformation research at scale. A phased approach then combines satellite and ground-level techniques to detect and verify physical movement in remote locations globally. Customers can use our technology to:


  • Detect ground surface movement on the scale of millimeters
  • Close risk gaps that are not covered by complementary monitoring technologies
  • Test, validate, automate, and deliver deformation insights for any geotechnical target of interest on the planet
  • Align with the monitoring requirements of The Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management
Get in touch to learn more

Case Study

Monitor ground stability across mine infrastructure

Operating large and geographically dispersed physical assets presents significant challenges for global mining and metals companies. Diverse assets with aging infrastructure, including unstable pit walls and insecure tailings dams, can quickly generate “tail-risk” that has the potential to change the economics of modern-day materials supply chains.


With the world's first automated, global subsidence and deformation monitoring system, we help mining and metals companies mitigate ground stability risks. Our high-frequency and weather-independent InSAR models and methodologies implement the latest deformation research at scale. A phased approach then combines satellite and ground-level techniques to detect and verify physical movement in remote locations globally.

Our automated processes and continuous access to data decreases costs, resulting in 75% savings compared to traditional orbital radar programs.
Enhance accuracy with data integration
Optional customizations include the addition of sub-meter high-resolution imagery, LiDAR, or data from ground-based sensors such as accelerometers and piezometers.  The integration of these data sources allows for rapid prototyping and hypothesis testing in remote locations using precise methods of measurement.
Art of the Possible
With the Descartes Labs Platform, business and data science teams can rapidly hypothesize, test, and deploy predictive analytics. These examples showcase some of our customers’ success, but the possibilities are endless.
Our automated process decreases costs, resulting in 60% savings compared to traditional orbital radar programs.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch with us to discuss how our technology can enhance your mining operations. We're eager to help maximize your ability to make new discoveries and build a better understanding of physical risk across your mine site.
Contact us today